Fornino Cooks Pizza on a Par With That of Downtown Naples Pizzerias!

Two years after buying a wood-fired oven that could truly recreate the taste and texture sensation of real Neapolitan pizza and maintain a long family tradition of having a wood oven at home, Luca Ferrazzano is as in love with his Fornino oven from Orchard Ovens today, as he was on day one.
Having had to previously throw out a wood-fired garden oven that couldn’t tolerate a bit of wind or rain and which deteriorated fast after first use, his glowing endorsement of his Valoriani-manufactured oven speaks volumes.
This time, he opted for an indoor oven, to take pride of place in the main kitchen of his south-west home, shared with his wife and two children and, at times, visitors from Naples. These guests have been wowed by the Fornino’s ability to cook Neapolitan pizza, adjudging this to be little different from that you would find in a traditional downtown Naples pizzeria, if the right dough and ingredients are also used.
Luca was led to the Fornino because he lives in a smoke controlled area and required to have an oven on the DEFRA-approved list. He chose it, however, on the basis of quality, authenticity and aesthetic – all immediately apparent following a visit to the Orchard Ovens showroom – where he opted for a black finish, to suit his kitchen and island colour scheme.
Over the past two years, the keen amateur cooks have been turning out Neapolitan pizza, bread, savoury pastries, various meat and poultry dishes, pasta al forno and much more, to the admiration of friends and family, who envy the freedom the Ferrazzanos have in cooking whatever they want, whenever they want.
Luca says, “The Fornino is amazing. Its quality is excellent, from the floor to the dome and on to the exterior. All is solid, well-designed and made with the very best materials. The insulation is also excellent, especially considering that the internal temperature can be 450°C!
“I am astounded by the way it cooks. I have never had disparity in the cooking of the top and bottom of the pizza but know that, with other ovens, getting the top of the pizza to cook properly means burning the base, or vice-versa. We’ve never had this issue with the Fornino. The temperature distribution is perfect between floor and dome and I put this down to the many generations of experience that Valoriani have, as an Italian pizza oven manufacturer.”
Luca also praises the service from Orchard Ovens, who opened the showroom to him out of hours, provided pain-free delivery and excellent after-sale advice.
He adds, “I have been completely vindicated in choosing the Fornino and following my Neapolitan instincts. I can certainly recommend it to anyone else who wants a quality oven that will last and actually do the job it is supposed to do – cooking food in an authentic Italian way.”